Club Information

Chartering/Rechartering a Club

New Clubs

Interested in starting a club of your own? There are three main steps to starting a club:

Existing Clubs

The process is very similar for existing clubs.


A complete list of all clubs can be found on this page.

Club Funding Information

Important Update

The purpose of the Student Government Association Budget is to best serve the entire student body. As such, we request that you carefully consider what is being requested. Ideally, materials should be able to remain in the possession of Student Government and be re-used for future events. This budget will need to last for the entire school-year. Please consider starting an Amazon Wishlist or similar tools. The SGA requests that one representative from the club requesting funding be present at the subsequent Senate Meeting to elaborate on why this funding is merited.

How to Acquire Funds/Resources

There are multiple ways to acquire funds for club events and activities:

If you are the student representative from your club who typically fills out the funding request, we highly recommend bookmarking this page.


Student Government has a total of $2100 to use all year for student club activities.

Activities Room Equipment list